Daily Archives: May 3, 2018

Number of caravan migrants allowed into US rises to 158

The group of men, women and children were allowed to make their way into the port of entry border crossing in California on Thursday morning, joining dozens of others who had already crossed. ...

Bank of America sued for allegedly refusing to hire DACA recipient

The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) and the law firm Elliot Morgan Parsonage, PLLC of Winston-Salem, N.C., filed a class action lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Western and Northern ...

After Ten Years, a Journalist Who Fled Mexico Faces Deportation

In 2005, while covering crime, he interviewed victims of assaults and robberies at a hotel called La Estrella, in Puerto Palomas, another town in Chihuahua. “The people I interviewed told me that the criminals were dress ...

The Immigrant Doctor Who’s Solving West Virginia’s Opioids Crisis

Since 2014, West Virginia has held the grim distinction of having the highest overdose death rate in the country, according to Centers for Disease Control figures. In 2016, West Virginia’s death rate, according to the mo ...

Gangs Behind, Detention Ahead: Migrants Face Predicament at U.S. Border

So Bonilla, a 26-year-old car painter, promptly headed back to the U.S. border, now with his wife and 2-year-old son. They crossed Guatemala to southern Mexico and then, in a ragtag caravan relentlessly criticized by U.S ...

Immigrants Claim Lawyers Defrauded Them and They May Be Deported

Mr. Torres went to see the lawyer, Thomas T. Hecht, at his Times Square office, and for an initial fee of $750, the lawyer said that he would get a work permit in six months, and then some time later, the green card. ...

The Truth Trump Doesn’t Want You to Know About the Caravan

They have joined forces in “caravans” for safety and to attract attention to their plight. Few in the United States have paid much heed. Until President Trump did, opening another ugly chapter in his anti-immigration cru ...

The immigrant doctors who saved Ronald Reagan’s life

The photo instantly takes me back to the 1980s : boxy suits and lank haircuts, and most of all, the big-shouldered man with a broad smile. It’s a picture of President Ronald Reagan thanking the doctors who saved his life ...

Republicans should stand up to Trump’s anti-life attack on immigrants

And how can we encourage people to work? By making work pay, which is why Republicans and Democrats have supported the earned-income tax credit , known as the EITC, which tops off the pay of low-income employees. Similar ...

First lady’s parents appear with immigration attorney

The Slovenian couple had no comment Wednesday afternoon after about an hour-long meeting in the building which houses offices for federal immigration officials who help process citizenship applications. ...


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