Tag Archives: Naturalized Citizens

Naturalized citizens have a weapon against Trump’s racism: their vote

Like some of the naturalized Americans who feel under attack by the Trump administration, I arrived here as a child and took the oath of citizenship at the age of 13. It is one of the most lasting emotional memories I ha ...

Under Trump, the rare act of denaturalizing U.S. citizens on the rise

“It’s for people who are fraudsters, liars,” he said. “We’ve been lax about this for a long time, and this unit that’s been developed is really just a question of taking the law seriously.” ...

Trump targets naturalized citizens

Let’s make a list of everything the Trump administration has taken away or tried to take away since he’s been in office. ...

In America, Naturalized Citizens No Longer Have an Assumption of Permanence

  Last week, it emerged that the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (U.S.C.I.S.) had formed a task force in order to identify people who lied on their citizenship applications and to denaturalize them. Amid the ove ...

Trump Administration Launches Denaturalization Effort to Strip Citizenship From Those Suspected of Naturalization Irregularities

The extraordinary process of denaturalizing an American citizen has occurred very rarely, with the Justice Department filing an estimated 300 civil denaturalization cases since 1990. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Serv ...


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